Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have been doing a blog every week for my Doctrine and Covenants class and I really enjoy it because I get to think and write about religious things. However, it has been while since I have posted other things... So I thought that I could celebrate the fact that the Lakers have the best record in the NBA!! Anyone that knows me, knows that I love to play basketball and that I love the lakers. Now, I have posted a lot of religious pictures lately so don't think that I hold kobe to the same importance as those pictures, ok. Also, BYU plays Utah in basketball this saturday and I can't wait. It should be a chance to get some revenge and also if BYU wins then they will make it into the 64 tournament automatically. 

Thursday, February 19, 2009

"Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God 
shall lead thee by the hand, 
and give thee answers to thy prayers."
-Doctrine and Covenants 112:10

In the past week I have truly been humbled and gone through some large changes. Its almost ironic that I wrote last week on trials but yet it reminded me of the greater perspective. I know that the scripture above is true, I have never received and an answer to prayer unless I have been humble. I also know that God answers prayers. The answers don't always come when we want them and they aren't always what we want. He does answer though. My mothers famous line is that when you feel like you haven't received an answer that in and of itself is an answer. Sometimes we haven't been doing the right things long enough and other times we need to use our own best judgment and learn how to make wise decisions. Answers come more as Yes or No rather than specifics such as - in your life you need to be a school teacher. Often times I feel a great peace when I pray. Peace is the one thing that Satan cannot imitate. I love to express gratitude to God and to apply Christ's atonement (or suffering) in my life. I can ask for forgiveness and needed strength because Christ has gone through everything and has the ability to help. I have heard critics say that prayer and religion are a crutch for the weak and I would like to make it very clear that a man is never more powerful than when he is on his knees. The power of God is real. I have felt this power and received answers to my prayers. 
I love the scripture given to Oliver Cowdery, he had already received an answer from God but latter asked Joseph Smith to receive a revelation for him, God spoke these words to Joseph Smith"...I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things. Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? what greater witness can you have than from God?"- Doctrine and Covenants 6:22-23 The Lord comforts Oliver by referencing the experience that only Oliver and God knew about. God really does love us individually and he hears each and every prayer. He knows past, present, and the future and therefore he knows what is best for our lives. As we seek to do his will we feel all the blessings he already wants to give us. It is not an easy thing to do his will and often times we will have to use our own agency. All of this is an ongoing process that helps us to become more like him. 
Recently I have felt the power of prayer and thought much about prayer and the great impact it has had on my life. I cannot even imagine not being able to talk to my Father in Heaven that I love. 
Joseph Smith at the age of 14 had pure faith when he prayed. The video below describes his experience when he prayed. Though our answers are not of the same magnitude, his experience still shows that God and Jesus is real and they do answer prayers.


Thursday, February 12, 2009


C.S. Lewis, in Mere Christianity writes, "Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what he is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently he starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is he up to? The explanation is that he is building quite a different house from the one you thought of — throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but he is building up a palace. He intends to come and live in it himself."

I felt I should include this quote for someone today but I don't know who. 

Not all trials come from God or because we did anything wrong. I am starting to realize more and more that everyday brings new challenges. I am starting to enjoy them. Sure there are times when I would love a break from different trials but really there isn't going to be rest. This concept has taken me years to swallow! Can't I just be content for awhile, I mean I am doing good things and I'm a good person so I deserve to have it a little easy for a while, right? Though this is an over simplification and not always my desires, I think at the same time we all question trials or at lest hope to have a little less. Yet be can benefit immensely from these experiences. My dad always used to say at the right times, "it builds character." I have been thinking about this a lot lately! What kind of character do I want, I want to be like the Savior. The Savior traveled in his ministry for 3 years. He bore persecution, false accusations, trial, torture, agonizing death on the cross, betrayal, suffering for all mankind for their sins but also emotionally, physically, and mentally. The more I think about him the more I realize that it wasn't easy for him and I can expect it wont be easy for me and mine are nothing in comparison. Trials are real, they suck, they are intense, they can change our future, they are in every sense undesirable. I emphasis this before I make my next point - This phrase has stuck with me, "when you come to an obstacle in the road it can either become a stumbling block or a stepping stone." The phrase use to bother me, and I think because in some sense it doesn't validate how difficult trials can be. I think rather than a stepping stone its more like a mountain or a cliff that we must rock clime. As we are grasping and precariously finding out next footing we are developing muscles along the way. We also have divine help! Someone to support us when we fall. As we have studied the the Doctrine and Covenants it is very clear that Joseph Smith endured many trials. He was falsely accused and was in liberty jail (most ironic name for a jail), the saints were being driven from Missouri. The lord spoke to Joseph and said, "My Son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment; And then if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high" (Doctrine and Covenants 121:7-8) I love these verses. I think that God always wants us to be at peace. WIll we though? No, and we need to learn and have our comfort zones stretch. I know that I am a better person because of the challenges and experiences in my life. I look to God with faith as I endure well the future trials of my life. To all those that are overwhelmed - feel the peace and joy that God is willing to give. 

Saturday, February 7, 2009

"And now, after the many testimonies which 
have been given of him, this is the testiomony, 
last of all, which we give of him; That he lives!
For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; 
and we heard the voice bearing record that 
he is the Only Begotten of the Father-"
Doctrine and Covenants76:22-23

Yesterday, I was having one of those "bad days" (hat to use that term because its almost cliche). The rain got me nice and wet bright and early in the morning as I went to calculus. I was in extra studious mode for my economics test. I found myself in a bad mood and I don't usually get in those. I went to a computer lab to start studying and I logged and pulled up the internet and went to out of the blue. I looked at the picture that i included above and just thought of the Savior. It was a great moment. I felt that I should read my scriptures and as I did I again was led to notes that I had taken on my phone from a talk by Thomas S. Monson (President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). In his talk he talked about how most times in life you will be required to put in great effort and even an extra effort. I felt that this was very pertinent to me at that very moment. I didn't feel like studying but I put the extra effort. It is amazing to me how God helps me in my day to day life!

Going back to when I was looking at the picture of the Savior - I thought about all he did for us. I know that he is the Savior of all mankind. Doctrine and Covenants20:17-24 specifically tell how God has given all men commandments to love and serve him. However, we sin and this is why we need the savior. Christ suffered temptations, was crucified, and rose again the third day. He ascended into heaven to reign with almighty power according to the will of the Father. The first step for all of us is to have the desire to believe. Then as we live as he did we can continue to build upon this belief. I feel a little stronger because I thought about the Saviors life as I saw that picture. I realize that I need to take more time to ponder about Christ.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Student's life of Study: College and Faith

This is a picture of campus during the winter at Brigham Young University where I am currently attending. The semester is a month in now; therefore, all my teachers decided to give midterms early at the same exact time! I had a take home test and Presentation for Biology, Doctrine and Covenants essays, Humanities test and paper, and the dreaded Calculus test. Luckily, I get to take my Economic midterm in a week. This past week seemed so packed with things to do and I started to feel the a little stress as I allocated my precious time to different activities. I know this isn't new for me or any student but I learned a lot from this past week. First, its alright to have some fun. I went to my nephew's birthday party and enjoyed the liveliness of youth and the love of family. I also took Stephanie ice skating in Salt Lake and not only was it romantic - it was a blast. Don't get me wrong, I didn't play all weekend. I worked my tail off. I don't even think I have a tail anymore. Life just seems to be this constant battle for balance. I sure hope I can figure it out...

During this crazy midterm week of studying I a have thought a lot about study in general and how it applies to academics and religion. I was reading Doctrine and Covenants Section 109 this week and this is the text of the dedication of the Kirtland Temple (picture in last weeks blog). I love verse 7: "and all have not faith, seek ye diligently and teach one another words of wisdom; yea, seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom, seek learning even by study and also by faith;" As I read this I felt again the importance of studying in college. I know that all I am learning is making me better, even though memorizing greek art doesn't seem all that pertinent. To continue in verse 8: "Organize yourselves; prepare every needful thing, and establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning, a house of glory, a house of order, a house of God." Even though these words are directed to the Kirtland Temple, this is what I am striving for in my apartment. This is what I want my future home to be! Another though has been on my mind regarding the importance of obtaining knowledge. I know that there are absolute truths in the world. Many people however don't feel this way and I respect their believes. I have come to know that there is a God. This started as faith and grew till I knew. My desire is to continue to learn truth as I study about the world around us and as I learn spiritually. The scriptures teach that we will not take our earthly possessions with us. He do know that we can be with our families for eternity. We also know that we will be able to take the intelligence (knowledge) that we have gained, D&C130:18-19. This puts a greater perspective on the importance of learning. To myself and to all those students out there - Hang in there!